Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Praise God!!!

Last week was a very difficult time for my mom with severe stomach issues, low blood count, nausea and pain and even a trip to the ER. The last couple of days, my mom has been feeling much better and able to eat. I have been so relieved and grateful for that. Today has been the best day since I first found out that my mom had cancer. As Rich posted, her tumor markers were down almost 1/2 and this is only after three weeks of treatment. The oncologist said he couldn't be more happy. Some of you may know that in the beginning we had a slow start trying to figure out which oncologist to go to, whether she had 2 different cancers, or just one... God has certainly been faithful. The oncologist we are going to is amazing. He and his staff really make us feel that mom is being well cared for.

The other great news is that my mom's liver functions are also improving, which means that the chemo is also working in the cancer in her liver.

Thank you so much for your prayers. We know that this is truly answer to prayer.

Please continue to pray that the chemo continues to work and that they can keep her constipation and diarreah in check. Mom sees an endocrinologist and dietician next week. I have such a greater appreciation for the complexity of the human body and the wonders of mankind that God created in His image.

God bless you all,


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